New live coding language!

What it preceded? I was attending a course where we were learning about live coding in Estuary, a website suitable for collaborative live coding of music and visuals. What does it mean? Music is neither being played with instruments, nor visuals are drawn with paintbrushes, pens or other accessories. For live coding you only need a functioning computer!

With such way we got accustomed to a language supported in Estuary, Punctual. It is flexible in 2D graphics – it enables creating various shapes, setting a background image/color, simple animations with the shapes, repeating the rendered result into rows and columns and so on.

One day, the production manager of the cultural centre where we were doing the course said that a language for 3D graphics does not exist. He was not far from the truth – one such language exists, unmaintained for seven years. When I saw examples of it on YouTube, I became more and more convinced about making a language which would support various 3D shapes like sphere, torus, cylinder, cone and other.

In the beginning, I started with pseudocodes being produced on the beach in Croatia. I was maintaining it after summer holidays and during the live coding course, too. I was struggling almost every day to make it work. The final moment came eight months later, when I finally decided to deploy the web environment with my language called Pulchra.

If you are reading this on a computer, then try it.

See you soon!

A new electronic album! Memories from Hlohovec just out

Memories from Hlohovec (a town in Slovakia) was just sold as you know. By the way, it’s made especially by programming music on Sonic Pi. I have a little bit used a software GarageBand. Why have I used just this name for the album? Because I’ve visited Hlohovec so far for many times. My grandparents live there. I have happy experiences with mum’s family. Centre of the town is amazing. The nature of the river Váh is peaceful. When cycling on a cycloroad past the river, I feel so relaxed! I think I’m just attracted by it! Album is available on stores.

New preludes for piano

My first preludes ever are just recorded! If I haven’t composed the first prelude for an event, I wouldn’t compose other compositions so early. Probably I’d write them in a few years. After that event, I once asked to myself: ‚I’ve made the first prelude, why not to compose other preludes?‘ So I started to write them one by one till 10. Unfortunately, the total time was only 20 minutes, so I’ve added other 5 preludes. Listen to them on Spotify.
